Iroquois Club in Roanoke, VA
July 22, 1990
Other Acts:
Wasted Reality
- Dave Bradley: "They stayed with Dave Fuiglien & John Ayling while here down on Brambleton."
- Aaron Cometbus: "A very long, very shitty drive and a lot of use 'the Chalice', our 40-ounce super coffee mug."
- Jessica Haggans: "I saw Green Day there when I was 12. Followed by many many years of underground raves in the mid 90's."
- Billie Joe Armstrong: We just walked around - we went to Capitol Hill and Sean [Hughes] and me were singing, 'I'm just a bill, I'm only a bill...' Then we met up with this band, 2 CAR FAMILY, and then we were eventually moping around not knowing what to do, so we went to this girl's house and hung out for a couple hours. Then we left and we had to sleep in the van that night. Then some cop comes and wakes us up and he goes, 'What are you boys doing? We're the state police! Let me see some ID' So Sean starts going for his wallet and the cop goes, 'Watch your hand, son, I'll shoot you!' He said, straight up, 'I'll shoot you.' This was in Virginia; it's pretty crazy. Then we went and got a motel, the only one we've really gotten."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.