North Shore Surf Club in Olympia, WA
July 18, 1991
Other Acts:
Schleprock, Dirt Clod Fight
- Incomplete setlist
- madhatte: "I saw Green Day at the North Shore Surf Club (a tiny place, now long-gone. I think it's a women's clothing store now) here in Olympia in July 1991. They rocked."
- Jason: "Before the show my friends and I got there a bit early and were the only ones in line. These dudes come up to us and ask us if we want to dye our hair with them. I looked at my friend and we all said no. Turned out to be Green Day. I didn't know what they looked like until that night."
- dirtclodfight: "... We did play with them in Olympia and they were total asshats to us... One of the only bands besides Hole that we played with who were dicks to us ... I had a great time playing with Green Day. They were cool to me. Wiffle ball in the van and cheesy home made stickers."
- Todd D.: "I went to several shows at the North Shore [Surf Club] back then. I remember the Green Day one pretty well. I think I had only heard 39/Smooth at the time so I know they played a lot from it. Billie's guitar strap broke during the show and it seemed like it took him forever to fix it. The sang the Mickey Mouse song during that. The M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E song."
1. Disappearing Boy
2. At The Library
3. Only Of You
4. Christie Road
5. 409 In Your Coffeemaker
6. One For The Razorbacks
7. 1,000 Hours
8. Going To Pasalacqua
9. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)
10. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme