Fernwood Community Centre in Victoria, BC
June 23, 1990
Other Acts:
Onionhouse, Soulcharge
- Maximumrocknroll #90: "Another skatepark benefit saw Green Day with SOULCHARGE, and ONIONHOUSE at the Fernwood Community Centre."
- Billie Joe Armstrong: "One of my favorite shows on the first tour was Victoria, BC in 1990. Played with a band called Onion House. Victoria had a great music scene."
- Aaron Cometbus: "Worried about customs, but got through without any problems. Played frisbee and an incredible show. Experienced different cultural muances like different cereal and gum."
- tom ass: "Green Day in Victoria about 1990, playing a community hall. Green Day was silk screening shirts in the parking lot, and letting them dry for an hour, before selling them inside the show... At the end of the night absolutely everyone was covered in green ink and the Green Day shirts no longer said Green Day."
- Jay Brown: "Working stage security the first time Green Day ever came through town, at the Big Fernwood. I was on stage and all these people were jumping up and stagediving. I didn't want them to jump off the monitors, but I wasn't going to be a dick and try to keep them from having fun. So I started putting my hands together and giving them all lifts off the stage as they were jumping. Well, it'd been going on for a while and I started not really paying too much attention. I was having a good time as well and watching the band. This guy comes up so I just put my hands out and he went up. I looked up and buddy weighed a good 250. I was on my knees on the edge of the stage at the time. He came down right on top of me. My whole body went over backwards but he was still on my legs, so I bent at a right angle, backwards. The back of my head connected with the side of the stage and KO'd me. I woke up on the floor, and I couldn't feel anything in my whole body. Couldn't even move a toe or a finger. The band stopped playing and somebody phoned an ambulance. I was freaking out because I was sure I'd broken my back and that was it, I was in a wheelchair forever. They took me to the ER, and did a shitload of tests on me. It turned out I'd pinched a nerve in my lower back and got feeling back about ten hours later. But that was it for the show, I managed to get Green Day's first show in Victoria shut down halfway through their set."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.