Klubben in Stockholm, Sweden
February 09, 1998
Other Acts:
D Generation
- Robert Borjesson: "The sad with Green Day in 1998 is that they sometimes feel more like the fake than as real rock'n'roll. More gleam in the eye than sweat. Green Day were about to take themselves on a little bigger level."
- Peter: "It was my first real concert. I haven't been to a concert that tops that one yet, and I've been to a lot. Klubben is a quite small venue in Stockholm, Sweden which gives you that closeness to the band. Although, me and my friends, being 11 year olds and short, took place at the venue's balcony to get a good view. From the first song all the way to the end, the crowd was crazy, with loads of crowdsurfing and singalongs. As usual, they picked a fan during Knowledge to play guitar. During Hitchin' A Ride Billie Joe encouraged the fans to give him their clothes, so he could wear them, and everyone would throw their hats and shirts up on stage. In the end, they all trashed the stage with all the speakers and the drumkit."
- Expressen: "A lot can happen in two years in the music world. The last time American punk punks Green Day has visited Sweden, they sold out the Ice Stadium in Stockholm - Dookie was huge. Last night, and two flopped albums later, the venue was considerably smalled, and the audience consisted of the most dedicated fans only. But Berkley trio still looks very happy with the situation. Gone are the big gestures from the arena gigs - still an incredible amount of energy. Above all it is relaxed. A playful mixed hit parade of the trio's overall punkpoppärlor interspersed with twenty-second cover versions of everything from Survivors Rocky theme Eye of the Tiger to Joni Mitchell and now also Janet Jackson's Big Yellow Taxi. All self-signed divers frontman Billie Joe Armstrong. For certain look bassist Mike Dirnt tough out in his red has. And it is fun to grönhĺrige Tre Cool juggles with his drumsticks. But it's still Armstrong in the sprawling Sonic the Hedgehog hairstyle that is constantly trying to keep an eye on. It's his cocky song, crazy look and explosive guitar chords that allows the trio to something extraordinary."
- Caroline: "We got in the queue. It was cold... Really cold! I almost got the urge to go home. It felt like my feet were about to fall off. There were quite a lot of dumb bimbos there. We were puzzled what they were doing there. They looked like they were listening to Peter Andre and Puff Daddy. We waited and waited. There were lots of people. Eventually, twenty past seven, they opened the doors. Some began to shout that Green Day were in there. Helena stood up on edge and confirmed it was him. Sofie and Mike agreed. And when we had come in and hung in the jackets, we went up to the Tre! Nobody seemed to notice him. So we said, 'Hello!' And he said, 'Hi!' Helena asked if he wanted to sign a sweater, but he said, 'Nah...' He gave us two huge Nimrod stickers. Then we ran into the club. We wanted to buy shirts but forgot the money in the jacket. It was very cozy there, with balconies around the stage."
- "I came to the club a few minutes after 18:00. The line felt quite long, but it quickly grew and in the end I realized that I was in the front. Talked with two brothers from Småland, one of them had seen GD twice. Then he said that he had not bought Nimrod yet. After a long while as the doors opened, when I after a while could glimpse through the doors, I saw a guy that I've seen before, he had green spiky hair and black leather jacket... Tré Cool! He stood quietly and chatted with everyone. How cool it is! I turned my jacket in and was just about to ask for an autograph when he suddenly walked away! Shit, I thought, and went about my business, luckily he just went where they sold GD stuff. I immediately bought a T-shirt with a guy on the front and Nimrod logo on the back and a Green Day baseball cap. Then I asked Tré for an autograph on my ticket. I asked for a bigger autograph and he got a little pissed. Okay... I walked away. I stood in the very front. Finally, D-Generation came out. It went to listen to them anyway. It was, after all, very sweaty to stand there and jump. I thought that GD had not started yet. It was really hot! After they were done, you had to wait a while. but in the end they turned on the lights and the crowd started screaming like crazy. And then came the men I have been waiting to see for over 3 years! After the song Billie Joe asked us what song we wanted to hear. The crowd started shouting lot of different things that I could not quite hear. I shouted Longview at the top of my lungs. Billie played Chump. Yes! I was so happy! Another thing that I remember was that when I stood at the front of the stage, I was about to pass out. I said to the one guard so he could pry me before it was too late, that I felt woozy. I walked around somewhere. I sat on the toilet floor. Shit! I thought at the time I heard F.O.D. playing ... I had to go out again! I walked up to the water and drank surely a liter of water before so I felt okay again. As usual, someone received a play on Billie's guitar, he played pretty indeed. The conclusion was downright grymm! first hit three somersaulted over trumsettet then cast around it and jump on it. Meanwhile Mike knocked down two large speakers that could not have been cheap, then he took his bass and threw up in the air and then turned down on the ground. When the scene looked like a battlefield, and Tré and Mike went out Billie slid softly, took out the Blue and played a good electric version of Good Riddance. Another funny thing was that I was at the end got hold of Mike's one earplug which he tossed out (after knocking over the speakers and throwing around his bass). But being dumb as I am, I just threw them out! The concert was absolutely wonderful! Time of my life!"
- Helena: "Now I've really been to a Green Day concert! I, Caroline, Sophie and Michael arrived there around 6 o'clock. There were a little over twenty people in front of us in line. So we stood there. It was cold outside. Oh shit huh cold it was !! Oh they never opened so we had to get into. Time was 7 (when it was started), L fortf they had not started to drop in. Then, a guy with a lot of lanyards came out, passing 'orders from Gren Day.' He was really funny. So we went inside. The place was tiny. There was a corner where they sold T-shirts. Then there was a small scene. There was a balcony going around the scene as well. Anyway, it's hard to explain. But people who were there already know that. Well... There was a snack bar across the stage. Then we just hung out at the venue. Finally, the show has started. D Generation were pretty weird. They were kinda old. But their music was OK! I think we heard their song before... I think it was called "She Stands There". That's right. D Generation finished their set and music started playing over the PA. It was cool! Maybe that was Green Day's idea. We got up to the balcony and got mashed against the handrail. We stood on Mike's side and saw Green Day members hanging around. We thought it wouldn't take too long for Green Day to set up the stage, but we were wrong. It took them almost 40 minutes. They played lots of Ramones songs over the PA. They replaced the drum set, set up Billie's and Mike's cabinets and amps. The guy who brought Blue out looked like he was trying too hard to be cool. Hehe... Lights came on. Everyone screamed. And they came up on the stage. We screamed! They started with Going To Pasalacqua. Then they played Welcome To Paradise. Inbetween songs, Billie climbed on speakers and made funny faces. He was stretching out his hands screaming, 'Hey-oooh!' He also had two other guitars. Weird... Tre looked crazy and clownish. Mike had short red hair, and looked really cool. We jumped like crazy and screamed. It was unbelievable. Billie wasn't as bold as he was onstage. Billie played some intros of metal songs. He proclaimed himself 'the king of black metal'. He played Eye Of The Tiger. Then he introduced Mike. I think he said he was Mel Gibson and something about Barbara Bush. Then Billie asked us if we wanted to hear some bullshit, then he played "Rape Me". At least I think so... He whisperd, "The beautiful people, the beautiful people," into the microphone. He took off his shoes and made a weird face, super-soaked the audience. During "Knowledge", Billie pulled up a guy onstage and made play the song on his Blue! Then Billie made us throw our shirts onstage. He put on a lot of them. It was really hot in the club, everything was sweaty. Finally, they announced it was their last song. We were shouting their band name and they did an encore. They played F.O.D. It was delightful. Then came Scattered and Prosthetic Head. I don't really remember though. Then Green Day started breaking their instruments. Billie poured water on us again. Mike made a huge hole in Tre's drums with his bass. Finally, Mike and Tre left Billie standing on the edge of the stage singing "Good Riddance". I was hoping he would finish the song. The concert was over."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.